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"The Mirror book"

The Mirror book cover

The Mirror Book is using drawn pictures with an explanatory text giving you knowledge about the psychology- and physiology of pain, and that graded exercises are excellent for modulating the feeling state of pain.

The purpose of The Mirror Book is to reflect or ”mirror” your understanding, your thoughts and  feelings about pain. Increasing your knowledge about pain may help you to better understand what pain is. Through this process it may also become more clear what to do to deal with pain. The Mirror Book is organized so that you have a drawn picture on the left page where the goal is to recognize yourself in the picture. On the opposite page, there is an explanatory text with some open ended questions. Hopefully, The Mirror Book will give you, among many other things, greater understanding of how the mind and the body is interconnected and that long-term is anxiety. An increase in negative thoughts and feeling, an increase in anxiety, will increase the experience of pain. The book is for you that treat and help patients suffering from pain as well as for you that struggle with pain.  The Mirror Book is divided into three sections, the physiology of pain, the psychology of pain and exercise for the modulation of pain. At the end of the book there are scientific references to each drawn picture. All in all The Mirror Book  will give you a helicopter view of what pain is and even though the book is 98 pages you can easily read it in a couple of hours.

 The Mirror Book will give you increased knowledge that;

  • Your brain interprets psychological induced pain and physical induced pain and in the same brain areas.
  • Various normal psychological reactions to pain can increase or decrease your pain experience.
  • Pain = Stress=Anxiety=Pain
  • Long-term pain affects your hormonal system negatively and can lead to a hypersensitivity in your nervous system (local- or central sensitization).
  • You do not have pain receptors, but rather ”nociceptors” which are activated through different noxious stimuli (receptors for mechanical pressure, temperature changes (heat and cold that is dangerous for you) and chemical reactions.
  • Graded physical activity  = positive stress.
  • You have a chemist shop in your brain that will help you modulate the feeling state of pain
  • Sleep and regular physical activity is important for maintaining a homeostasis in different bodily systems including your endocrine/ hormonal system resulting in less pain.
  • Pain is a homeostatic feeling.

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